This is a shirt that I saw today at American Eagle. It reads "Fun, Flat Broke & FAB". Yeah, I know it's supposed to be a spring-break themed shirt, but how has it suddenly become cool to be "flat broke"?
This thought it kind of piggy-backing on one of my previous posts where I was complaining that since most of my friends are broke, I have a hard time relating to them in conversation. They say "Oh, I'm so broke." and I just go "yeah....".
But really, this shirt floored me a little bit. Now, I am not the type to advertise that i'm "fun" or "fab", even if I AM those things. This shirt screams desperate and attention-whorish to me, but maybe that's just me. I just never thought we'd get to a point where being flat-broke was a social statement.
Oh, and the shirt is only $15, for those of you who want to be that little bit extra in the hole.
Am I over reacting? It seems so weird to me, what do you think?