I'm always surprised at the amount of people who post their illegal exploits on-line in their so-called annonymous blog. Whether it's drug dealing, shoplifting or something more serious, you never know who will be reading your blog. It could be your parents, your children, your spouses, or worse, law enforcement. Trust me, I work with some police officers who routinely check a suspect's facebook page for information.
On that note, I did something minorly illegal today. However, it's not a serious offence by any means. Hell, i've DONE and still DO a lot worse!
However, on the bright side, an investment of $50 today is going to save me $75 a month for the rest of the semester.
You can judge all you want, I feel pretty good.
The Law
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Posted by Leanna at 11:47 PM 0 comments
You Take Great Photos - What type of Camera do you Have?
I hate that comment. I want to slap people who say that and tell them that it's not my camera that takes good photos, it's me.
I was thinking about that comment when S said to me regarding my plan to save $10,000 from now until August 1 and her mounting debt "once i start making some more flow then i can put more into it" - in S-speak that means that when she gets more money, she'll be able to pay off her debt. It's the same attitude that K has regarding leaving this job for a better-paying job at the diner.
On the same matter, K and I had another financially-related discussion when I mentionned to her as well that I wanted to save $10,000 from now until August. She asked how that was possible and I stated that I bring in around $2,400 a month and only have two bills; a $40 cell phone and a $75 bus pass. She scowled and stated that her bills alone were $1,400 a month. She mentionned most of her bills, stating that it's not like she was spending my on useless things *cough*cough* Nintento Wii.....lunch every day....new purses..... *cough*cough*.
I didn't say anything, I just sympathetically shrugged. What I really wanted to ask her was:
1) How are two seperate phone lines "neccesary"?
2) Can't you work out at home? Is the gym really worth $500 a year?
3) That still means you have $400 left at the end of month! Why are you poor?!
But, I didn't say that. I didn't say anything. I'll let her figure it all out. She argues that at her other job, she'll be working 4-10 hours shifts (still 40 hours a week). She'll be earning around $1,400 a month in wages and another $1,000 a month in tips. She stated that previously, she would put her wages to her bills and save/spend the $1,000 extra. That still means that, even if she put her full, extra $1,000 to her credit card, it'll still be 16 months for her to pay it off. I'm giving her 2.5 years to get it all paid off.
If only she knew....
On another matter, H called tonight, asking if I wanted to join her and M tonight. I know that she isn't packed at all, and needs us to help her pack.
Good news, I just called her. I won't be there until 7:30 p.m. tonight and our friend M wants to be home for 9, so there won't be much packing on the agenda anyways.
On a more scheming level, the real reason I am going out with her is that I want to get her debit card number again. I had it, and I know the password to her TD account. I like to check up on her once in a while to see how the debt is progressing... I know it's bad. I don't care.
Posted by Leanna at 12:53 AM 0 comments
Sometimes I feel so alone...
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
So I finally talked to H tonight after two failed "hey"s on MSN she never replied to. She's leaving Thursday morning, and I've only seen her once. She's only 1/3 or so packed, which really means she's got dick-all done. I doubt we will see each other before she leaves, and I'm okay with it. Right now it's an awkward limbo stage because I know she's still in town. Once she leaves, she'll be gone until the end of summer, and by then I'll be in London.
Good riddance.
Planning my London trip gives me an incredible rush coupled with a cripling sense of doubt and no one seems to be helping me out of that doubt except for maybe D and R, my bosses at work. They both just listen to me natter on about it without even a retort. Everyone else seems to listen and then come back with "ya but" and try to ruin it for me. Come to think of it, S at my other job also is very encouraging.
I know that it's going to be hard and that it's going to suck sometimes, but would everyone just stop being so god-damned realistic and say for once, "you can do it!".
Things at home are rough right now, too. I don't know if it's just that I am more aware of it now, or if things are actually getting worse. I think it's time for both my sister, A, and I to move out. It's a strange dynamic here.
I'm going to set up an automatic ING Direct Savings-thing to figure out if I can reach my goal of saving $10,000 by the time I leave...
Posted by Leanna at 6:38 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 14, 2008
I'm the 469,873,782 richest person on earth!![]() Discover how rich you are! >> |
This really made me think. It's surprising just how wealthy I am, when, in fact, I don't consider myself wealthy at all. I suppose it's because I've never truly experienced poverty, and I mean, extreme poverty.
It really does make you think. Check it out.
Posted by Leanna at 11:09 PM 0 comments
I'm feeling much better now. I was pissed off at K, but I'm not angry anymore. I'm dissapointed in her, and part of me wants her to fail just to prove to myself that it wasn't the job that was pushing her into debt, it was her.
Overall I've had a good weekend. I went to N's birthday party last night, which was fun. D and his annoying girlfriend K was there. I haven't seen or talked to him in what seems like years, and he didn't make any effort to talk to me last night. Which, bothers me a bit, but given that I don't particularly care for him anymore, worked out okay. He was being a baby and complaining and just overall being lame-o.
I worked all of yesterday before the party, and it was pretty good. D was there, and it was nice to see her. We had some good laughs. I'm pleased that our in-house Philipino folk found themselves a better apartment, as their land-lady was ass-raping them, rent-wise for a shitty apartment.
S and I are on rough-terms, I think. She's just annoying me, and I don't know why. I'm feeling very anti-social lately and I just don't feel like hanging out with her. I think she knows, too, and it's not like I don't want to be friends with her anymore, it's just weird.
I had previously made a goal to start dressing more proffessional at my office job - I started out wearing nice blouses and jeans but have progressed into jeans and whatever I can find. No one in the office seems to care, since most of them wear police uniforms, but I don't feel very professional while wearing bummy clothes. So, I went shopping friday before my other job. I tried on maybe 2 dozen shirts and pants, to no bloody luck. I found two tank tops (using up a $50 gift certificate that my aunt sent me), but I really wanted to find pants. Usually it's not to hard to find pants.
Other than that, the London-Fund is now up to $535, making me feel quite pleased with myself.
I'm going to see Sweeny Todd tonight, I hope it's good...
Posted by Leanna at 12:40 AM 0 comments