So, so far this month, I'm running blind. I haven't written down a budget, I haven't checked my bank balances, and I haven't even deposited a cheque that I've had in my possession for a week now!
You would think it would give me freedom to buy and spend spen spend... but actually...
It sucks.
A lot. I'm actually a bit surprised. I didn't think it would stress me out as much as it is. I really need to sit down tonight and make one, so here goes.
Currently in my TD Bank Account I have a balance of $2,114.43. This seems like a big number, but I'll explain why it isn't in a minute.
Currently in my ING Accounts I have a grand total of $10,012.20. This is, of course, seperated into several categories:
The good news is, is that I am making $2,356 this month, so I will have more than enough money to pay for all my, "bills". After I pay everything, I will still have $695 left this month. But no, I'm not going to spend it!
I've set myself a budget for $200 this month. The $400 I'll have left over is either going to act as a cushion for my future budgets, or to put towards my pre-trip savings. Yay!
The good news is, is that, if all goes well, I should have all my goals accomplished by the end of June!! Yay!!
Now, something I have pondered for a while, is, do I lessen the hours I'm working at my jobs to give myself a breather and take some extra time off to relax, or should I push through and continue to work my ass off to save all the extra dollah for London. I'm not sure...
We'll see. We will be hiring a new girl here at the office this comming Monday, so i've got to spend 2 weeks training her. We'll see how she turns out. If we don't get super-along, then I might consider leaving this job a little earlier than August 1st.
I'll be spending some time thinking about that.
The good news is, is that I get to go pick up my PASSPORT and VISA today at the Post Office!!
Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog, have just been reading about your upcoming move to London, how fab! Give me a shout if you need any tips from someone also trying to make it in London on a budget!
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