I did it, I broke down...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

... and finally bought a calculator! 

Yeah okay, I know that's not that exciting. But it is to me! I've been stuck using the crappy windows calculator and my mouse to do additions - I don't even have a number pad on my laptop! 


So the budget and doing simple math wasn't nearly as much fun as it will be now! Yay! All I want is to calculate something. Hmmm. How about the square root of 567? It's 23.811761!

Wow, I'm such a dork.


KB said...

I used to work at an accounting firm, and anytime someone left there would be a rush for their calculator - maybe it has better buttons than mine??? LOL. Yes you are a dork (I say that affectionately) - but so are a lot of other people. Just discovered your blog through Krystal's - going to have to go back and read all your early posts.

hklover86 said...

i have actually been thining about getting one i have been using the one on my comp or my cell phone lol

Anonymous said...

Great work! This by far one of my favorite pieces of technology. Friends tease me for having one in my purse, but hey! It comes in handy :) Especially while I'm counting my pennies.

Jerry said...

Calculators are underappreciated... they lead to time savings and they can be fun to goof around with. Remember figuring out what words you could spell with numbers when you turned the calculator upside-down? Yeah. Good times. The calculator makes most jobs better and faster (retail, insurance, whatever...). And you know what? I think, by extension, dorks are underappreciated, too. =)